Monday, August 27, 2007

A Commitment To Student Learning

As a University student in the '60's and '70's (yes, I'm dating myself) I had a very different learning experience than students have today. From the beginning of the idea of a University in the 12th century, it was very much a professor-centered system. Fortunate young scholars were given the opportunity to spend personal time with a professor/master and to glean the golden nuggets that fell from his lips. The system was designed to advance the cause of professors while allowing scholars the possibility of learning something, if they proved to be worthy.

In the last several years the focus has moved from learning at the feet of a professor to a commitment to student learning as the first principle of higher education. Universities exist to foster student achievement, to facilitate student learning, to do whatever is necessary to prepare young scholars to be successful, productive members of society. Universities exist to serve students. Any evaluation of a University must, therefore, focus on whether or not student learning has been the goal and the outcome of every aspect of the institution, every step along the way.

In fact, the most recent language used by State and the US Departments of Education, as well as accrediting agencies, refers to "student consumers." That does not mean that, "the student is always right," but it does mean that if an institution promises to deliver a certain educational "product," they must be able to demonstrate that they have succeeded in doing so. It also means that post-secondary schools are to focus on student learning outcomes that directly contribute to the success of that student's life.

This value and this goal is certainly true for Beacon University. Beacon is all about our students. Our passion is to serve students so well, they can go from here and make a signficant difference in the world. It is certainly true that our able faculty are primarily motivated by a love for Beacon students and a desire to see them thrive in all of life.

And it's not just academic affairs. The support administration and staff of Beacon are also committed to serving students, to making students a success. Faculty and staff alike are accountable to how well they serve students, and to how effectively they achieve student learning in every class, in every aspect of the institution. We do what we do for our students - and we love it!

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